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Written by Optotech
Wednesday, 06 July 2011 08:14
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Electronic Advertising

The analysis of electronic ads has the same applications as the print ads analysis. The difference, however, lies on the methodology and the processing of the images. The hot spots of the ads are no longer static but dynamic.

Using these methods we can answer questions like how close should a box of milk be to the screen, or what color should the background be etc.

Finally, taking into account that e-ads usually have sound, we can correlate the effect of optical-acoustical stimuli to the consumer’s attention.

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Printed Advertising

The Eye Tracking technology can be applied for the evaluation of ads in magazines, newspapers, or even posters.

The analysis is performed using the head mount eye-tracker in the laboratory, with which we can monitor the users’ focusing patterns and compare them with the interest areas of the ad. Such areas can be a photo, a product image, a headline, a moto, a logo etc.

This service is also deemed necessary when we have more than one outline for a print ad and we would like to know which one has the best appeal for the user.
That way we can anticipate and avoid mistakes, such as a background that is drawing too much attention -overshadowing the product itself- or an image that can distract the user; and thus make sure the ad will have the strongest possible impact.

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TV Spots

Using the eye-tracker we can evaluate if a tv spot can make the featured product memorable to the viewer. Sometimes, consumers can recall a beautiful scenery or a beautiful woman, but do not really remember what the tv spot was about.

With a dedicated set of applications, we can record the features that draw the attention of the consumer and if they can potentially distract him from the product.

Click on the thumbnails below to view the videos and animations

Last Updated on Wednesday, 06 July 2011 09:43

Eye Tracking

Eye Tracking is the process of recording the eye movements using a detector (an Eye-Tracker). The detector traces two characteristics of the eye: the cornea reflexion and the eye pupil. Read More


The Eye Tracking technology can be used in a great number of applications: Web Usability, Print Adse-Ads, Shelf Testing, Industrial Design, TV Ads. Read More


Optotech research group apart from marketing is also involved in research studies. Two of the most important research projects that took place in Optotech are in collaboration with Emmetropia Eye Clinic. read more

Contact Information

  • 16 Pediados Deksia
  • Heraklion, 71201
  • Crete, Greece
  • Tel:+30 2810 229990
  • Fax:+30 2810 343436
  • info@eyetracking.gr
  • www.eyetracking.gr